Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear to my appointment?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing – please no skirts or jeans. You will remain clothed throughout, just removing shoes, belt, watch and any items from your pockets. Please refrain from wearing scented products and perfumes.

Does your office accept insurance?

We accept Medicare, Dignity Health HMO and CCAH. Please see insurance section for more information.

What is a superbill?

A superbill is an itemized receipt detailing the services that were provided at your visit. It includes all the medical codes an insurance company needs to issue possible reimbursement. Reimbursement rates are dependent on your plan. 

Will my insurance provider reimburse me?

Please contact your insurance company by calling the number on your insurance card prior to your appointment to find out what will be covered. You may ask how much they will reimburse for an out-of-network doctor.

 The most common billing codes range form 99214 +98928 to 99205+98929

Can Dr. Rheault be my primary care physician?

Dr. Rheault is unable to provide primary care services.

What osteopathic modalities does Dr. Rheault use?

Dr. Rheault primarily uses balanced ligamentous tension and osteopathy in the cranial field. High velocity techniques are used when indicated.